How to use Shoe Polish Properly? 

It should become your habit to shine your shoes before going out. Your outfit may have a classic look if your shoes are spotless. Here are step-by-step instructions to polish your shoes.

Step:1 Find a suitable surface

Find a suitable and plain surface to start with. To prevent the shoe polish from contaminating unwanted areas, cover the area with a large piece of newspaper or a with an old clothe.

Step 2: Clean your shoes.

Use a brush to remove dust & dirt from your shoe before you apply boot polish on it.

Step 3: Apply Shoe polish.

Using the cloth or applicator brush, apply a thin coat of Polaris Shoe Polish in a circular motion over the entire shoe.

Step 4: Buffing Shoes

Take your horsehair brush and buff the polish until it shines.

Step 5: Highlighting the shoes.

We need to highlight some parts to make the shoes extraordinary. For further shine, dab the shoes with tiny drops of water and buff with a soft towel.

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